Frequently asked questions
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Pricing & Licensing Questions
How many emails can I send per day?
There is no limitiation on the number of emails you can send per day from our side, but Microsoft 365 has a limit of 10000 emails per 24 hour period and other limits. Please see your applicable terms of service or ask your IT administrator for details.
Can I purchase the license for another mailbox?
Yes, you can purchase any number of licenses on one account and assign them to seperate mailboxes using our licensing server. See here
Are discounts available for multiple licenses?
Yes, we offer discounts from 10+ licenses if you purchase using the Microsoft AppSource Store. There are no other discounts available at this time.
Who can I contact regarding vendor onboarding process?
Unfortunately we do not have the resources to complete any custom processes. SecureMailMerge is designed to be self-service and can be purchased via your Microsoft 365 account or via credit card only.
Security & Enterprise Questions
Do you have a document outlining your IT security practices?
Yes, we have a number of documents on our help page. See here
Does any spreadsheet data leave my premises?
No, all data is processed on your computer and is only the data your specify in the mail merge is sent to Microsoft 365. At no point in time is any campaign data ever sent to a SecureMailMerge server. This also means none of the staff at SecureMailMerge can ever access your data with the exception of your own email address for licensing and support issues. See here
Do you have Data Processing Addendum?
Yes, you can request a signed copy of our DPA. See here
Who can I contact regarding a custom security questionnaire?
Unfortunately we do not have the resources to complete any custom questionnaires or processes. SecureMailMerge is designed to be self-service and can be purchased via your Microsoft 365 account or via credit card only.